Debugging Success Story: How the Latest Technology Helped Me Solve a Tricky Search Algorithm Problem in JavaScript

Debugging Success Story: How the Latest Technology Helped Me Solve a Tricky Search Algorithm Problem in JavaScript

As a developer, there's nothing quite as satisfying as finally solving a tough debugging problem. Recently, I had one such experience that I'd like to share with you. In this tale, I'll walk you through the problem I faced, the debugging tools I used, and the steps I took to solve the issue.

The problem

I was working on a new feature for an e-commerce website. The feature allowed users to search for products using a keyword or phrase. Everything seemed to be working perfectly until I noticed that the search results were returning the wrong products. I dug into the code and discovered that the problem was with the search algorithm.

The code

Here's a simplified version of the code I was working with:

function searchProducts(keyword) {
  const products = getProducts();
  const results = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
    if (products[i].name.includes(keyword)) {

  return results;

The problem with this code was that it was only searching for products that had the keyword in their name. However, the website had product descriptions that also needed to be searched.

The debugging process

To solve the problem, I decided to use the latest debugging technology available. I started by adding breakpoints to my code and running it in the Chrome DevTools. This allowed me to step through the code and see exactly what was happening at each point.

I quickly realized that the problem was with the if statement. It was only checking the name property of the product object. To fix this, I needed to also check the description property.

function searchProducts(keyword) {
  const products = getProducts();
  const results = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
    if (products[i].name.includes(keyword) || products[i].description.includes(keyword)) {

  return results;

After making this change, I tested the code and it worked perfectly. The search results were now returning the correct products.

Debugging tips

Here are some tips that can help you when debugging your code:

  1. Use the latest debugging tools available: Modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox have powerful debugging tools that allow you to step through your code, set breakpoints, and inspect variables.

  2. Break down the problem into smaller parts: When faced with a complex problem, break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. This will help you to better understand the problem and make it easier to debug.

  3. Use console.log(): Console.log() is a great debugging tool that allows you to print out values and see what's happening at each step of your code.

  4. Take breaks: If you've been working on a problem for a while and can't seem to find a solution, take a break. Sometimes stepping away from the problem for a bit can help you come back with fresh eyes and a new perspective.


Debugging can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, but with the right tools and techniques, you can solve even the toughest problems. In this imaginary tale, I used the latest debugging technology to solve a search algorithm problem in my code. By breaking down the problem, using console.log(), and taking breaks, I was able to solve the issue and get the search feature working correctly. Remember, debugging is an important part of the development process, so don't be afraid to dig deep and find those bugs!

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